Sunday, January 27, 2008

Just counting down the days

There isn't alot to update right now. Just getting some things finalized, such as starting to find out when all the vendors want to be paid, so my organized self, has it ALL marked down AND highlighted in a calendar! Right now we are starting on some around the house makeovers. As a wedding gift Ms Wanda bought us new blinds for 3 of the big rooms in the house. So as I kept Beau out of the way( the best I could) Ms Wanda and Dan put up blinds and they look really good. The next big thing is PAINTING the big room, which is going to be our "new" living room. There is other painting to be done, and some remodeling to the kitchen, but as Dan tells me "one thing at a time Dear!" lol. So that is all for now, hope you are all doing well!


Raegan & Caleb said...

Not much longer and all the wedding prep will be past. Try not to stress too much.

Good luck with the house renovations. Painting and such isn't the most fun, but it's nice when the house finally starts to feel like home.

Anonymous said...

WOW! Can you believe it is almost here! Time flies by! I am looking forward to the wedding--can't wait!

Kim Lawson said...

Did you find the ring you were looking for at Fincher and Ozment yesterday?

Deidre said...

Hey Krisha! It has been a long time. Look at you getting married! I am so happy for you!! Enjoy every minute of it, before you know it you will look up and be married for almost 7 years and wonder where it all went. :)

Hope to talk to you soon,