Tuesday, November 25, 2008


That is the best way to sum up how I have been. I dont have morning sickness, I have 24 hour sickness! I am hoping in 2 more weeks that I will be over this, but who knows?!?? The biggest problem has been, not finding anything I like to drink, Sprite= gross, Ginger Ale= it's ok, Capri Suns= starting to drink too many of them! lol So if anyone has any suggestions, I would gladly accept them.Nothing else to really update on. Getting ready for Thanksgiving Holidays, plus THE IRON BOWL!!!!! I am more excited about that I think. Plus Mom, Jim and Eli are coming home, so that is always good! I go back to the dr on Dec 12, so I'll let you know how things are going then! Please continue to keeps us in your prayers!


Raegan & Caleb said...

I can totally relate. I wasn't sick all the time, but it definitely wasn't limited to the morning. Hang in there. It'll hopefully get better. I'm sorry I don't have any drink suggestions for you. But when I was feeling sick, I'd pop some hot tamales in my mouth. I wouldn't eat them b/c I didn't like the texture. But, there was something about the cinnamon that would calm my stomach. Who knew?

Joy said...

"Morning Sickness" is a sick you never forget. I disliked everything that I had always loved and the smell of dishwashing detergent would send me into heaves. I got relief by keeping those wrapped sno cones that you can buy at Chevron etc. The small ice with a little flavor seemed to help. I also kept crackers by the bed and did not raise my head in the morning until I ate at least two crackers. Hope you get better soon but the end result will be worth it.