Sunday, January 24, 2010

Another Busy Weekend

Once again, I feel like we are always on the go!!! But that is ok, gives me a reason to dress the girls up! :) Friday the girls and I surprised Dan for lunch and we all went to eat at our favorite "quick" meal place, Taco Casa. Some of Dan's co-workers came as well, so of course Dan enjoyed showing the girls off and the girls put on a show for them all. Then, the girls and I went and picked up Moma D and went and did our favorite thing...SHOP! :) Well, really I was looking for some new material to make the girls another dress, and I found some that is SOO CUTE!!! Friday night I went to scrapbook for a little bit, I am soooooo behind! Especially since I am having to do two books instead of one!!! I got 5 pages done for each book, but still have to go back and write things for each page. While I went to scrapbook the girls stayed with Moma D, but I had a curfew of being home by midnight, I was a few minutes late, but that wasn't the first time of me being past curfew! :) The girls and I stayed with mom Friday night and got up Saturday morning and did what we do best....went shopping! :) I had a few gift cards left over from Christmas that I wanted to finally use. It is so nice now getting to have girl time with mom again!

Things will slow down for a day or two...well maybe! :) They need to...I really need to clean house!

1 comment:

kimberly t. bowling said...

WOW...I think you did great getting those scrapbook pages done! Glad you had a fun outing without the girls while Moma D had a grand time with them!!