Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Miss us??

So, I have started out 2010 slacking on posting blogs, but we have been busy! So pretty much just going to give you a quick run through so far and post a few pictures.

Best thing so far in 2010....Moma D and Popa Jim are homeowners in ALABAMA!!!!! So that is what we have been doing the past few weeks, helping them get settled in. We have even had a few sleepovers as well!

The girls helping Moma D unpack a few boxes!

We also got to ENJOY (well most of us) watching Alabama play and WIN their 13th National Championship!!!! This is a cute shirt I found for the girls to wear(poor Dan told them he was sorry that he would probably never get to buy them one for his team)

Aubrey had to go to the Dr. She scratched herself under her nose and it got infected so off to the Dr we go and got the diagnosis of impetigo. Bless her heart she didn't let it get her down and it has pretty much all cleared up now.

Oh....did I mention that our precious angels are 7 months old now?!?!?! I can't believe it!!! They are really starting to let their sweet little personalities shine.

Aubrey is Dan to a tee. Not only does she look just like him, but so far she is the more quiet and shy one just like him. She can be satisfied for a good while with a toy and be content. is just like me. She is going to be my "pay for your raising" child. ( just for the record...I was a good child, wasn't perfect, but I was good) She is more the outgoing one and has to have 10 toys to play with, but if she sees that one toy that Aubrey has and knows that Aubrey is having fun playing with it, she takes it from her and adds it to her pile. Don't forget, she did pretty much sit on Aubrey's head for almost 9 months!
They are both on the verge of crawling, they have the going backwards part down, its just going forward they haven't figured out yet, but SOON! Still no teeth, lots of drooling and here lately very cranky at times, so I see that happening soon as well!
The girls are sitting up alone now. They are "talking" all the time and it's sooo cute! You can hand them a phone now and they will wave to the person, but not say anything, it's too cute! Eating baby food or "groceries" as Popa Jim calls it like it is their job.

Since they are starting to sit up alone, they are now getting to ride in their "limo" minus the car seats. I almost cried the first time this happened

This is another great memory made. My grandmother came over one afternoon and I was trying to pick up in the house some, but it was time for the girls to have a bottle and a nap. So we got them fed and she rocked Aubrey and got her to sleep then in this picture she is rocking Lainey to sleep. She is the best grandmother in my eyes and soooo blessed to have her in my life and in Aubrey and Lainey's!

We hope all of you are having a wonderful and blessed 2010!!


Kim Lawson said...

Yea!! Sitting up by themselves!! You know why that makes me smile! ;)

Love all the Bama clothing and what a totally precious pic of your grandmother rocking Lainey!

Lana said...

Great picture of Katherine! She is such a sweet heart!

Joy said...

Yes, I have missed you! Oh my, I love that first national championship shirt. Too cute. Beautiful baby girls!

kimberly t. bowling said...

ThoSe girls just get cuter with every post!!! Love their smiles....could eat them up! Great updates....