Monday, January 17, 2011

Family Christmas #1

We did Christmas with Mom's side on the Thursday before Christmas. We were a little worried about Aubrey and how she would react seeing Uncle Wayne (aka Santa's twin) because the week before when she saw him she just pitched a fit and wouldn't go anywhere near him. She got just close enough to him to where if she needed to get back quick she could. Before the night was over, she would at least give him a "high five."

(for some odd reason MiMi(Aunt Nita) thought it would be fun to give the girls a lemon?!!?)

Maw Maw got the most joy out of just watching the girls open the gifts she gave them, and she did good on their gifts because she got them a few of their favorite things, a doll and a jacket. I don't know what it is, but the girls LOVE to wear a jacket, for no reason. We can be at home and if they spot one of their jackets in their closet, they pitch a fit to wear it!! Oh well, I guess it's the DIVA coming out in them?!?! lol I thought I got a picture of the girls and Maw Maw, but obviously I didn't :(
The girls also got another favorite item, a new rocking chair. And it has done it's job of rocking the girls and their minnie mouse dolls to sleep! Good Job Davis Family!!

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