Saturday, April 4, 2009


I went to the Dr on Friday, first I had to retake my sugar test because my first time around I missed passing it by ONE POINT! However, my Dr was nice enough to let me take the 2 hour fasting test and I PASSED!!! So no three hour test thank goodness!

We also got to have another ultrasound done, within a month, those girls have GROWN! I think last time they were measured, one baby was weighing 1 lb 8oz and the other 1lb 9 oz. WELL within little over a month's time, Friday they were measured weighing, 3lbs 8oz and 3 lbs 11oz!!!! Thank you Lord for growing babies!!!! Dr. Madden said they were doing great! That has been a big fear that one baby might get more than the other, but they are already sharing at an early age! :)

I start now going every 2 weeks until I am at week 34, which is the first week in May, then go every week. It is crazy how fast it has gone by! Still not sure on exactly when they will make their grand entrance. I am praying that they hold out to the last week of May which will put me in week 37, Dr says that is normal delivery time for twins. The only thing we are really watching, one baby is in the breached position, so depending on if that baby turns or stays breached, depends on a C-Section or not. Besides that, everything is good, Dr said I am doing very well myself! :)

We were only able to get a 4-D shot of one baby girl, the other baby girl was being shy and covering her face! Dan and I really can't decide if we can even tell who she looks like, mom did say she looked like she had my forehead?!? However, it does look like she has some hair on her head!
They are also getting bigger that it is hard to see both of them clearly in a picture compared to seeing them together back in January together!

Our "shy" baby girl

Our "laid back" baby girl, she had her head laid back in every picture just taking it easy!


Raegan & Caleb said...

So exciting! I loved getting sonograms and seeing Isabelle and the progress she'd make from one visit to the next. It's so much fun. That's great your Dr. let you do the 2 hour test. And even better that you passed. Just one less thing to worry about. Hang in there...End of May isn't that far away.

kimberly t. bowling said...

I still can't get over you have two babies inside of you!! Maybe TLC will come to Alabama and do a Twins and Turkeys show with you and Dan for reality TV!! :) HA!!

I am so excited....twins. Wow. Whoever (Aubrey or Lainey) that is in 4-D is cute!

The Cannons said...

AMAZING!So glad you are ALL doing great!

Peyton James said...

First of all, do you know that I only failed by ONE POINT, too on the first test! I would have rather failed by twenty!! I am so glad you passed the second one though. The ultrasound pictures look great! I can't wait to meet them in person! Also, that would be great if you would have them the last week in May! May 29th to be exact because it's my birthday!!! I would love to share the day with two beautiful little cousins. Love you guys and I am so glad things are going good. You all are still in my daily thoughts and prayers.

Lana said...

You looked !!!AWESOME!!! yesterday. Keep a smile on that BEAUTIFUL face!!