Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Could we possibly have a hard headed child?!?

I do not think I have ever mentioned that Baby "B" for the longest time has been in the breached position. My Dr had said if by a certain time she hadn't turned that more than likely I would have a c-section . Well at the last ultrasound, both babies were facing head down, so that pretty much meant what I thought was good and I would end up having a so called "normal" delivery, you know the pushing, the screaming at Dan, and of course the "GOOD DRUGS". Well, that little precious daughter of ours, HAS TURNED BACK AROUND to be breached AGAIN! Matter of fact, she is pretty much sitting on Baby "A's" head, so they are already fighting and not even here yet. (In past ultrasounds, Baby "B's" bootie has been right in Baby "A's" face, such sisterly love I tell you)Of course, we have been told that we may have a "stubborn" child on our hands. Well, both children are products of Dan and me, so they both will be stubborn, one may be a little more than the other?!?!? I have also been told that Baby "B" may be the Auburn fan since she is acting the way she is?!?! (Let's hope that isn't true)

As far as an update on me, I am officially done with work. I was only working half days and that had seemed to be working, but my blood pressure was high at yesterday's appointment, so the Dr said no more work. I thought it might be fun to get to lay around all day and do nothing, but I have been bored out of my mind today! lol And my fear is that this is only going to make things go by slower! Hopefully not. The Dr has been checking me, but of course NO CHANGE! I go back Friday to just check my blood pressure and to see if there is any protein in my urine, because the swelling in the feet and hands has had it's moments lately. If everything is ok there, then I go back Monday for another check up. So pretty much, the Dr says, its a day by day thing right now! He wants to see if maybe they will come on their own first, if nothing has happened by May 26, then we will discuss the options of possibly inducing?!?

Just keep us all in your prayers, because every time I call a grandparent they get nervous! Dan and me, we are the people that are nervous! I think the closer it gets, the more scared we get about becoming parents! I know we will be fine, but it is going to be a whole new world for us in our little "house divided".


Leigh Collins said...

I cannot wait to meet these precious new members of the family!

Courtney Long said...

Thanks for the update! Been thinking about you and those babies! You'll be fine and on those sleepless nights when you think you can't do it no mo', you'll cry real hard, but ultimately find strength you never knew you had. Love ya'll!

kimberly t. bowling said...

Krisha....was that title a rhetorical question, or did you really want an answer?????? :)'s getting so close....those precious baby girls will be here soon and I can't wait!!