Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Turn Around

Baby "B" has turned head down AGAIN. However, she has turned soo many times that the Dr has pretty much decided we will do a C-Section. I went to the Dr today, hoping I might have more of a scheduled date, I didn't get a date written down on the calendar, but got more than nothing at all. My blood pressure was high, but no protein in my urine which is good(no protein) and bad(hypertension is not the best to have ). However, I am retaining fluid, which isn't very good, especially when I went to the Dr last week I had lost 3 lbs, go back today and gained 7lbs!!! NOT COOL!!! My feet and hands are pretty bad, and I am slowly starting to notice that my face is swelling some too! So I am on "strict" bed rest until Thursday. I go back to the Dr then, if nothing has really changed and I'm still retaining fluid, BP is still kinda high, he said that he MIGHT go ahead and put me in the hospital either Thursday or Friday! And it also doesn't help the situation that I still haven't dilated either! SOOOOO you know, I have done very well up until now, and pray I continue to do well, but I am just ready for it to be over and Aubrey and Lainey to be here! Please continue to keep us all in your prayers!

1 comment:

courtney said...

thanks for the update! hang in there! those babies will be here before you know it!