Monday, June 8, 2009

Already One Week Old!

It is hard to believe that Aubrey and Lainey are already a week old!!!!

Aubrey is still in NICU, the Dr told Dan this morning the only thing keeping her in there is she has got to eat on her own. The past two days she will take about half of the bottle but then the other half they are having to give to her through a tube. It has been really tough on Dan and I to see our baby go through this, but we know that God is in control and that Aubrey just has to get in that hard head of hers( I keep telling her she is acting like her daddy) that she wants to eat. Most all of the nurses have said they see this all the time, it's like one day they dont want to eat and the next they are eating like it's their favorite thing to do. So please continue to PRAY for Aubrey and for Dan and me to be strong for her!

Lainey is doing great, she misses her sister, but knows she will be home very soon. She pretty much eats, sleeps and gets held as much as she can!


Raegan & Caleb said...

Hang in there. It is frustrating when your kid just won't eat. For me, it was a good reminder that you can't do everything for your matter how hard you want to. Aubrey will get there. It will click with her and before you know it, she'll be home with her sister.

The Cannons said...

They are so adorable. Hope she's snuggled back up to Lainey real soon!

Courtney Long said...

such pretty babies! i can't wait to see them! thanks so much for the updates. We are praying for your babies.

kimberly t. bowling said...

Hope you are taking care of yourself...Mommy. Don't you just love that name?