Sunday, June 14, 2009

First Night With Both Girls

I guess in a way it was some what good we had a little experience having one baby at home with Lainey, we got prepared some for the night feedings, the crying, and of course the spoiling. However, when Aubrey came home and both babies were here the first night...LOL that was an adventure! Aubrey was pretty much on a set schedule of eating every 3 hours, Lainey however, she just made her own schedule! So that first night we may of gotten 4 hours of sleep if that. Dan and I took turns, sometimes we ended up awake at the same time feeding both girls. We have got to work on getting them on the same schedule so it might not be as crazy around here at night, but we will see how that goes!

Can you take a guess on which baby is which????


Susan said...

They are so precious!!!

Danyell said...

I know! I know! Aubrey is on the left and Lainey is on the right!