Thursday, November 19, 2009

I am thankful for....

playtime with Aubrey and Lainey. The girls are getting to the age where they are laughing out loud and it is soooo cute! I am enjoying this new phase in their lives. They are starting to grab for toys more and they are more alert at things. Of course they have also started learning where their hairbows are now and pulling them along with the headband down over their eyes, I am trying to break that habit! lol I took this video of them last night. ( Lainey is my giggle box and Aubrey shows everyone how much she loves her toes! and please excuse my lovely voice...I hate talking on a camera!)


Joy said...

Too Cute. Started my day off with a smile!

Lana said...

This is so sweet!!! and your voice is absolutely perfect! I listen to them for a living you know :)

Happy Thanksgiving. Thanks for sharing Aubrey and Lainey with all of us.